Quality v. Quantity

In a world where we’ve come to expect cheap, fast, and trendy, does anyone still care about the quality of clothes anymore? As I get older, I’m starting to appreciate well made clothing that really do last me a longer time than most fast fashion companies like to offer. However, what you sacrifice when buying better quality items is of course, your bank account.

I went to college for a minute, started working right away, but I am no where near having the career that pays a ton of money to support my shoe obsession or love of dresses. So, like most other people in the world, I’ve had to succumb to places like Forever21, H&M, Zara, TopShop, etc. I can definitely get more bang for my buck at any one of these retailers while still being able to look like I have a clue of what’s on trend. While this is all well and good, these clothes, shoes, jewelry (all of my jewelry was gold, now it’s brass rose gold) don’t last as long. They’ll shrink right away, snag on something, the thread will loosen or fall apart. The quality control in companies aren’t as great. Why? Because majority of all of it is made in a 3rd world country where they pay little nothing to make and there is not enough time nor the means to support a great QR team. Before I start digging too deep into that other conversation, I should say that I have had and do have clothes that have miraculously lasted me years from these places, but in totality, nothing lasts more than 6 months, especially if I love it til I kill it.

I haven’t had much experience with designer clothes like I wish I’ve had, but I know better quality when it comes to shoes. Now there are so many companies online that sell fast fashion, cheap shoes. I love shopping for them because as I said earlier, it’s trendy and cheap! Who wouldn’t want that? Problem is..my feet usually loathe me 30 minutes into wearing the damn things. Nothing a foot cushion can’t fix, but in terms of the construction of the shoe and quality of the pleather or faux suede, it sucks. Paying the extra money for a better quality shoe makes a world of a difference. I’m 99.9% sure it works the same for clothing.

So, what does it come down to? Quality or quantity? I say whatever you feel comfortable in and can afford. You can find amazing pieces in a fast fashion store that you can’t find in a high end store and vice versa. Sometimes you see it and you gotta have it regardless of the price. But I say, shop with CAUTION! As much as I love to shop and browse everything online and take my sweet, sweet time in stores, I have to be careful not to overspend on one expensive item or even on a bunch of cheaper things. I don’t want to have to go to a shopaholics anonymous meeting anytime soon and neither should you!


Happy shopping !



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